Monday, April 9, 2012

00-07 The sun will rise as the air bubbles and Z's float to the top of the fish tank
07-15 Fish food will float into the scene it will shake up and down and fish food will fall into the fish tank
05-21 Fish food will fall into the tank and the fish will eat it
21-29 The fish will realize he does not enjoy the food and quickly swim to the bottle to spit it out
29-35 Each thought bubble comes separately, the fish realizes steak is what he wants
35-45 The fish uses all of his might and jumps to the plate where he lands on top of the steak
45-53 The fish jumps back into his tank and begins eating his steak
53-60 The fish beings to become larger, eventually dying and floating to the top

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sketch for Collage

Character 1: Pinocchio- small minaret, made out of wood, innocent till he is finally completed
Character 2: Gepetto- old, weak man wearing worn out clothes, seeking a companion 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

As you dive into the water that surrounds you, you are now able to bring your passion of music along for the ride. With strength, endurance, and durability you are able to continue your flow below the surface.

iPod- iWater

Wednesday, January 18, 2012